Abnaa Jo

About this project

A brand developed for Abnaa Jo, a youth-led initiative that aims to raise awareness about the cause of “Children of Jordanian Women Married to Foreign Men”, and to shed a light on all aspects of its reality.

The brand is derived from the enthusiasm of its youth, aiming to make an impression and make a difference in society.

The Logo is an abstract symbol that combines: a Mother Figure + a Child Figure + and the Jordanian Seven-Point Star The brand colors are a set of bright and catchy colors to serve the brand’s youthful ambiance.

The colors are tied with psychological indications:

Red & its shades symbolize Motherhood | Blue & its shades symbolize Calmness and Safety | Green & its shades symbolize Tranquility | Yellow & its shades symbolize Happiness

Special artwork patterns for the brand are Bauhaus-style geometric shapes that reflect the youthful spirit of the brand. The initiative operates mainly on Instagram and has implemented the brand very nicely.

My role in this project:

Brand Development | Logo Design | Asset Creation | Social Media Design

Logo Design Branding Social Media Design
Abnaa Jo